Running with poor mechanics is equivalent to driving your sports car with the e-brake pulled up. You're making yourself run slower, you're making running more difficult, and you're putting unnecessary stress on your body!
3 things every runner needs in order to run faster and eliminate pain.
1) A gait analysis.
2) Coaching on how to fix your mechanics.
3) A program to help you improve your performance.
Pose. Fall. Pull.
#poserunning #running #runningmechanics #fitnessathlete #triathlete #triathlons #marathontraining #ironmantraining #functionalfitness #kneepain #hippain #footpain #cary #chapelhill #physicaltherapy #sprinter #longdistance #performbetter #runfaster
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I'll be happy to help! Dr. Michael Tancini, DPT, PT, CSCS, CF-L1, Pn1