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Dr. Michael Tancini
Nov 24, 20231 min read
Body Armor EP 851: Fix that ankle sprain with the Single Leg Foam Roller Hinge
Your Problem: Poor ankle strength Your Solution: Single Leg Foam Roller Hinge Your Result: Less foot, ankle, knee, and hip pain. Better...
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Dr. Michael Tancini
Nov 22, 20231 min read
Body Armor EP 849: Getting back on the court after a sprained ankle with the Single Leg Line Jump
Your Problem: You sprained your ankle and you're not comfortable enough to play yet. Your Solution: Single Leg Line Jump Your Result:...
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Dr. Michael Tancini
Nov 21, 20231 min read
Body Armor EP 848: Eliminate foot pain, get back to running... Let's shake hands with your feet
Your Problem: Foot pain impacting your ability to train and run! Your Solution: Shake hands with your feet! Your Result: Mor mobility...
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Dr. Michael Tancini
Nov 20, 20231 min read
Body Armor EP 847: Improving leg pain but improving strength with the Single Leg Hip Thrust
Your Problem: Hip, knee, or foot pain keeping you from enjoying your training! Your Solution: Single Leg Hip Thrust Your Result: stronger...
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Dr. Michael Tancini
Nov 17, 20231 min read
Body Armor EP 846: The Medball Wedge Snow Angel. Your 2-minute fix for tight shoulders and a tight..
Your Problem: You have exactly 2 minutes to warm your shoulders up and get them opened up from your workout! Your Solution: Medball Wedge...
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Dr. Michael Tancini
Nov 15, 20231 min read
Body Armor EP 844: Shoulder pain everytime you try to reach behind your back? Fix it with the...
Your Problem: You can't reach behind your back without pain in the front of your shoulder. Your Solution: The Eccentric Shoulder...
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Dr. Michael Tancini
Nov 14, 20231 min read
Body Armor EP 843: Trouble with push-ups, burpees, ring dips or bench press? Clean up your...
Your Problem: You have trouble reaching behind the back or have shoulder pain with push-ups, burpees, and dips. Your Solution: Double...
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Dr. Michael Tancini
Nov 10, 20231 min read
Body Armor EP 841: One of the most butchered movements in the gym, the Flutter Kick. Let's fix it...
Your Problem: You struggle with chronic low back pain made worse with core work Your Solution: Fix your Flutter Kick Your Result: Better...
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Dr. Michael Tancini
Nov 9, 20231 min read
Body Armor EP 840: Landmine Windmill to fix your back pain and build a stronger core!
Your Problem: You struggle with chronic low back pain! Your Solution: Landmine Windmill Your Result: Better spinal control, less back...
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Dr. Michael Tancini
Nov 8, 20231 min read
Body Armor EP 839: Ring Roll Out to fix your back pain!
Your Problem: You struggle with chronic low back pain! Your Solution: Ring Roll Outs Your Result: Better spinal control, less back pain,...
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Dr. Michael Tancini
Nov 7, 20231 min read
Body Armor EP 838: Neck pain and tightness? Here's how you Bulletproof your Neck!
Your Problem: Your neck continues to get stiff, be achy, hurt, limit your ROM, and impact your workouts and daily enjoyment! Your...
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Dr. Michael Tancini
Nov 6, 20231 min read
Body Armor EP 837: Tight hips, chest falling forward in the squat? Let's fix those ankles with...
Your Problem: The bottom of your squat feels uncomfortable, your knees hurt, your hips are tight, your chest falls forward when you...
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Dr. Michael Tancini
Sep 16, 20221 min read
Body Armor EP 551: Fix that ankle sprain with the Single Leg Foam Roller Hinge
Your Problem: Poor ankle strength Your Solution: Single Leg Foam Roller Hinge Your Result: Less foot, ankle, knee, and hip pain. Better...
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Dr. Michael Tancini
Sep 14, 20221 min read
Body Armor EP 549: Getting back on the court after a sprained ankle with the Single Leg Line Jump
Your Problem: You sprained your ankle and you're not comfortable enough to play yet. Your Solution: Single leg line jump Your Result:...
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Dr. Michael Tancini
Sep 13, 20221 min read
Body Armor EP 548: Eliminate foot pain, get back to running... Let's shake hands with your feet
Your Problem: Foot pain impacting your ability to train and run! Your Solution: Shake hands with your feet! Your Result: Mor mobility...
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Dr. Michael Tancini
Sep 12, 20221 min read
Body Armor EP 547: Improving leg pain but improving strength with the Single Leg Hip Thrust
Your Problem: Hip, knee, or foot pain keeping you from enjoying your training! Your Solution: Single leg hip thrust Your Result: stronger...
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Dr. Michael Tancini
Sep 9, 20221 min read
Body Armor EP 546: The Medball Wedge Snow Angel. Your 2-minute fix for tight shoulders and a...
Your Problem: You have exactly 2 minutes to warm your shoulders up and get them opened up from your workout! Your Solution: Medball Wedge...
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Dr. Michael Tancini
Sep 7, 20221 min read
Body Armor EP 544: Shoulder pain everytime you try to reach behind your back? Fix it with the...
Your Problem: You can't reach behind your back without pain in the front of your shoulder. Your Solution: The Eccentric Shoulder...
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Dr. Michael Tancini
Sep 6, 20221 min read
Body Armor EP 543: Trouble with push-ups, burpees, ring dips or bench press? Clean up your...
Your Problem: You have trouble reaching behind the back or have shoulder pain with push-ups, burpees, and dips. Your Solution: Double...
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Dr. Michael Tancini
Sep 2, 20221 min read
Body Armor EP 541: One of the most butchered movements in the gym, the Flutter Kick. Let's fix it...
Your Problem: You struggle with chronic low back pain made worse with core work Your Solution: Fix your Flutter Kick Your Result: Better...
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