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Dr. Michael Tancini
May 15, 20231 min read
Body Armor EP 707: Back to shoulder basics with Y, T, I
Your Problem: Shoulder pain in the front of side of shoulder during or after chest/shoulder day Your Solution: Prone Y, T, I Your Result:...
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Dr. Michael Tancini
May 12, 20231 min read
Body Armor EP 706: Fixing shoulder pain and tightness with Posterior Capsule Pin and Stretch
Your Problem: Shoulder pain and tightness in overhead activity, bench press. Noticing your shoulders can't touch the ground when you lay...
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Dr. Michael Tancini
May 11, 20231 min read
Body Armor EP 705: Fixing shoulder pain with Resisted Around the World
Your Problem: Shoulder pain while lifting overhead Your Solution: Shoulder pain with lifting overhead or swimming butterfly Your Result:...
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Dr. Michael Tancini
May 10, 20231 min read
Body Armor EP 704: Fixing shoulder pain with 1/2 Plank + Horizontal Abduction
Your Problem: Shoulder pain while lifting overhead Your Solution: 1/2 Plank + Horizontal Abduction Your Result: Increased shoulder...
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Dr. Michael Tancini
May 9, 20231 min read
Body Armor EP 703: Increasing stability and increasing power in overhead movements with Hooklying...
Your Problem: Pinching sensation in front of ankle with deep squatting and running. Your Solution: Hooklying lower trap activation with...
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Dr. Michael Tancini
Apr 28, 20231 min read
Body Armor EP 695: Fixing shoulder pain with Long Sit Lat Pull Down with Lower Trap Activation
Your Problem: Pain with pull ups, weakness in pull ups, pain in reaching overhead Your Solution: Long Sit Lat Pull Down with Lower Trap...
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Dr. Michael Tancini
Apr 11, 20231 min read
Body Armor EP 682: Fixing shoulder pain with the Z Press
Your Problem: Shoulder pain with pressing overhead or snatching Your Solution: Z Press Your Result: Increase shoulder strength and...
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Dr. Michael Tancini
Apr 6, 20231 min read
Body Armor EP 679: Fixing shoulder weakness with Supine Armbar Crossovers
Your Problem: Shoulder pain while pressing overhead or while working on handstands Your Solution: Supine Armbar with Crossovers Your...
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Dr. Michael Tancini
Apr 5, 20231 min read
Body Armor EP 678: Fixing mid back tightness with Front Rack Mobilization
Your Problem: Midback tightness in the front rack position or working throughout the day Your Solution: Prayer Pose/Front Rack...
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Dr. Michael Tancini
Apr 3, 20231 min read
Body Armor EP 676: Fixing elbow and shoulder pain with Supine to Sidelying Armbar Corkscrews
Your Problem: Elbow or shoulder pain while pressing overhead Your Solution: Supine to Sidelying Armbar with Corkscrews Your Result:...
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Dr. Michael Tancini
Mar 29, 20231 min read
Body Armor EP 673: Fixing shoulder pain with Prone Angel Variations
Your Problem: Shoulder pain with overhead pressing or overhead squats Your Solution: Prone Angel Variations Your Result: Decreased...
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Dr. Michael Tancini
Mar 23, 20231 min read
Body Armor EP 669: Fixing shoulder pain and tightness with Prone Swimmers
Your Problem: Shoulder pain while swimming Your Solution: Prone Swimmers Your Result: Better shoulder mobility and control while swimming!
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Dr. Michael Tancini
Mar 21, 20231 min read
Body Armor EP 667: Fixing shoulder pain with the Prone I's + Lift Up and Over
Your Problem: Shoulder pain lifting or reaching overhead Your Solution: Prone I's + Lift Up and Over Your Result: Improved shoulder...
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Dr. Michael Tancini
Mar 20, 20231 min read
Body Armor EP 666: Fixing shoulder pain with the Bottoms Up Kettlebell In and Outs + Press
Your Problem: Shoulder pain while pressing overhead Your Solution: Bottoms Up Kettlebell In and Outs + Press Your Result: Improved...
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Dr. Michael Tancini
Mar 14, 20231 min read
Body Armor EP 661: Fixing shoulder pain with 3-Way Banded Pull Aparts
Your Problem: Shoulder pain with lifting overhead Your Solution: 3-Way Banded Pull Aparts Your Result: Improved shoulder strength and...
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Dr. Michael Tancini
Mar 8, 20231 min read
Body Armor EP 657: Fixing shoulder pain with Bent Over Lat Pull Down
Your Problem: Shoulder pain while swimming Your Solution: Bent Over Lat Pull Down Your Result: Decreased shoulder pain and faster race...
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Dr. Michael Tancini
Feb 22, 20231 min read
Body Armor EP 645: Fixing shoulder and neck pain with Rhomboid Smash
Your Problem: Neck pain looking over your shoulder or leaning head sideways; pain with lifting overhead Your Solution: Rhomboid Smash...
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Dr. Michael Tancini
Feb 20, 20231 min read
Body Armor EP 643: Fixing shoulder instability with Tall Kneel Thoracic Extension
Your Problem: Difficulty maintaining heavy weight overhead. Feeling unstable/wobbly in end position of snatch, clean and jerk, shoulder...
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Dr. Michael Tancini
Feb 10, 20231 min read
Body Armor EP 637: Fixing shoulder pain with ER Isometric in Shoulder Flexion
Your Problem: Shoulder pain limiting your ability to lift overhead Your Solution: ER Isometric in Shoulder Flexion Your Result: Improve...
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Dr. Michael Tancini
Feb 6, 20231 min read
Body Armor EP 633: Fixing shoulder pain with the Trap Barbell Smash
Your Problem: Shoulder pain limiting your ability to press overhead Your Solution: Barbell Trap Smash Your Result: More PR's and less...
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