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FREE Virtual Run Clinic This Weekend!

Writer's picture: Dr. Michael TanciniDr. Michael Tancini

With no gym to go to, and no equipment at the house. Running workouts are the go to workout for many at the moment. When you improve your mechanics, you run faster, make running easier, and eliminate many of the aches and pains commonly seen in runners (or people who run)! If you are a Crossfitter or fucntionoal fitness athlete, you probably are saying "I do Crossfit so I DONT have to run much." Well...when Helen, Murph, or Nancy show up and you stuggle to finish in the time you want, it's probably has to do with your running. Fix your mechanics, improve your WOD Times! Join me this Saturday at 12:30pm, April 4th, for a FREE Virtual Run Clinic on Facebook Live! The clinic will last between 30-60 minutes and you'll leave with an understanding and actionable steps on how to maximize your running performance for both faster times and less pain. Running is a skill, just like the snatch or clean and jerk, it requires practice and coaching! Maximize your running workouts by learning to run better! I look forward to seeing everyone there on Saturday. - Dr. Michael Tancini, PT, DPT, CSCS, CF-L1, Pn1, Pose Running Technique Specialist #⁠ My mission is to help 1 million people (directly and indirectly) avoid unnecessary surgeries, injections, excessive pain medication use, while helping them maintain an active-healthy lifestyle! ⁠ #⁠ Local Free Clinics are one of my favorite ways to do this. I strive to lead 2-4 of these clinics per month for gyms and fitness groups around the Triangle.⁠ #⁠ So if you are around the Triangle lets get a Free clinic organized for you and your fitness community! Send me a DM and we will make it happen!⁠ #burnbootcamp #shoulderpain #press #jerk #benchpress #Crossfit #bootcamp #squatclinic #kneepain #backpain #hippain #squats #squat #squatforyourlife #mobility #gains #injuryprevention #performancetraining #strengthandconditioning #strengthtraining #olympiclifting #powerlifting #justsquat #deadlift #hinge


Questions about the content within this post?

Trying to find a way to resolve your problems [at the root], return to the workouts you love, and avoid an unnecessary surgery, medication, or injection?

Contact me by clicking here!

I'll be happy to help! Dr. Michael Tancini, DPT, PT, CSCS, CF-L1, Pn1

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