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How to safely return to the gym following your COVID Quarantine!

You've been absent from the gym for MONTHS and you hated every second of it. All you've thought about is getting back to the barbell and getting back to pull ups and muscle ups. Your gym has finally opened! You're so sick of your at-home workouts and you're ready to throw down!


The last thing you want is to develop a quick injury forcing you to take MORE time away from the gym.


1) Control Volume

2) Control Load

3) Control Intensity

Listen to the Podcast for all the info and Follow these 3 guidelines to maximize your performance while reacclimatizing your body to the gym.


Questions about the content within this post?

Trying to find a way to resolve your problems [at the root], return to the workouts you love, and avoid an unnecessary surgery, medication, or injection?

Contact me by clicking here!

I'll be happy to help! Dr. Michael Tancini, DPT, PT, CSCS, CF-L1, Pn1

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