Here at Ground to Overhead PT, we do all 3.
Help you fix your problem. Set you up to never deal with that problem again. While helping you perform at your absolute best, while making long term sustainable gains!
#Crossfit #prehab #rehab #performancetraining #strengthandconditioning #strengthtraining #endurancetraining #gainz #snatch #cleanandjerk #pullups #gymnastics #barbell #squat #deadlift #press #olympicweightlifting #powerlifting
Questions about the content within this post?
Trying to find a way to resolve your problems [at the root], return to the workouts you love, and avoid an unnecessary surgery, medication, or injection?
Contact me by clicking here!
Send me an email at Tancini@groundtooverheadphysicaltherapy.com .
I'll be happy to help! Dr. Michael Tancini, DPT, PT, CSCS, CF-L1, Pn1