Your Front Rack and Your Overhead Position constantly are giving your problems. You struggle with performance and shoulder pain in your pull ups, HSPU, and Snatches. You're frustrated and trying to find a mobility exercise to help you. # Meet the Wall Slide. It's way tougher than you feel it should be. Keep the hands on the wall at ALL times. Cant get your hands to the wall, actively try to get them there - even if you can't. #crossfit #shoulderpain #elbowpain #chapelhill #powerlifting#olympicweightlifting #cary #rehab#snatch #cleanandjerk #backsquat#squat #muscleup #strongman #gymnastics #pullups
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Trying to find a way to resolve your problems [at the root], return to the workouts you love, and avoid an unnecessary surgery, medication, or injection?
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I'll be happy to help! Dr. Michael Tancini, DPT, PT, CSCS, CF-L1, Pn1