Helping Athletes Navigate COVID And Be The Best Versions Of Themselves With Joey Souza Of Burn Bootcamp South Durham!
Today, we have Joey Souza. He is a realtor advisor and a coach at Burn Boot Camp in NC.
It has been a struggle for most athletes to get back in shape after covid19. In this episode, Dr. Michael Tancini is joined by Joey Souza, a coach at Burn Boot Camp. Let’s listen as they talk about what the athletes’ had to go through to find a routine that works for them and how having the proper encouragement can help.
In this episode:
02:06 - How had Joey held up during the pandemic?
04:11 – Joey mentioned his past sports careers.
06:35 - Joey talks a bit about his journey and how he got to where he is right now in coaching.
09:31 – What else does Joey do outside of Burn?
11:52 - Joey sights how Burn is different from the other gyms out there.
16:07 - What are some of the biggest struggles that athletes have faced as they get back after covid19?
19:21 - Dr. Tank resources a book that showed him the importance of habits.
Atomic Habits by James Clear:
22:27 - How has Joey as a coach helped athletes get back to their routines after a long absence?
28:23 - Dr. Tank resources a book that helped him to be successful.
Ego Is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday:
28:50 – How does Joey talk to someone to get back into shape?
31:23 - Joey and Dr. Tank affirm the importance of encouragement for athletes and reminding them what it means to be healthy.
Phone number: 919-717-1428
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