Body Armor EP 1080: Open up your shoulders for better arch position and OH squats with some PVC...
Understanding Shoulder Impingement: What It Is and Why Surgery Might Not Be the Answer
Body Armor EP 1079: Restore knee extension after injury with these hamstring sets with KB...
Body Armor EP 1078: Unlock your stiff back with the Reverse Jefferson Curl from a box
Body Armor EP 1077: Shoulder pain with dipping portion of the ring muscle up? Use these Dip...
Body Armor EP 1076: Gradual return to pain-free running and plyometrics with Plate Rebounds
What are others saying about Ground to Overhead Physical Therapy?
Body Armor EP 1074: Address your groin pain with the Copenhagen Plank
Body Armor EP 1073: Improve and strengthen your hip hinge with the Seated Good Morning
Body Armor EP 1072: Get rid of your hip pain for good with the Banded Side Step
Why Strength Training is Needed in Runners
Body Armor EP 1071: Eliminate back pain during kipping movements with the Couch Stretch
What are others saying about Ground to Overhead Physical Therapy?
Cor4 Fitness 15 Minute Appointment 100% Free Dry Needling, Soft Tissue, and Cupping
Building a Bulletproof Knee AKA Fix your Knee Pain!
Body Armor EP 1070: Fix your shoulder pain with pressing using the Banded Wall Slide
Body Armor EP 1069: Fix your shin pain while running with the Anterior Tib Raise
Building a Bulletproof Knee AKA Fix your Knee Pain!
Cor4 Fitness 15 Minute Appointment 100% Free Dry Needling, Soft Tissue, and Cupping
Body Armor EP 1068: Squat deeper with the Supported Squat Hold